I live in southern California, and we're expecting a big rain storm today. We are praying it is a bigger storm than the last storm that was predicted. We received a few drops of rain here, but nothing like was predicted!! And we need the rain so badly!! I hope the weather where you are is nice today. I know parts of the US are expecting really bad weather today.
My sister is visiting me from Arizona. It's the first time we've been together in 3 or 4 years. We're having a marvelous time together. Yesterday my oldest granddaughter came over and we made some cards in my scrapbook room. It was the first time the scrapbook room has been used in about 3 months! I really SHOULD do something about that--either get rid of all my paper things or make some things with it!! I really do enjoy working with real stuff once in awhile. I'm NOT a card maker by choice--and I have WAY too much stuff to think I would EVER use it all up just making cards!! I love all the paper albums I've made over the 16 years I paper scrapped. I love that when my grandchildren come for a visit that they look through the albums and giggle.
What is a girl to do when her interest changes? I'm now fully immersed in the digi-world. I love everything about it. Besides that, I need a guest room, so the writing is on the wall--sooner or later, that beloved scrapbook room SHOULD become my much needed guest room! --but when? and what do I do with all the "stuff" I collected over the 16 years I paper scrapped? I'm too frugal to just get rid of it all!! It was pretty expensive!! I've given a lot of it away already--but there are TONS more still in that room!!
Well, I guess I'll be like Scarlett O'Hara and worry about it tomorrow! I don't like to tax my head so early in the morning. It's time to get ready for church--I hope you all have a great day, and don't forget to check out Amber's newest release--MY COMFORT here in the store:
Isn't it beautiful? It's one of my favorites, but then ALL of Amber's kits end up being "one of my favorites!" She's really a wonderful designer!! Thanks for stopping by this morning! Hope and pray you all have a great week!! May God Bless you and your family.
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